Friday, September 14, 2018

Academic Shoot

1. In the image above I was trying to use the Rule of thirds I believe I followed this rule very well. The focus of the image is off centered.
2. The focus is the girl in the red jacket with a stripe who is reading a book.
3. Yes, because I used the rule of thirds and her jacket is red so it attracts your attention. 
4.It's very clear in this photo. 

 1. In the photo above i was trying to use the lines rule because there are lots of lines in the photo. I personally beleive that that would not be your first guess, but it kind of shows it.šŸ¤·
2. The main focus of this picture is the boy in the blue sweatshirt that says the word "Tommy" as in Tommy Hilfiger.(Blake B.) 
3. I think it is very clear because the boy is the only person in the photo besides the two heads who annoyingly got in the picture.
4. It is very obvious to me what the subject is and I think I showed it very well. 

 1. I also used the rule of thirds in this photo too, BUT I have two subjects in this work. 
2. The TWO subjects in my work are the girl who is on the right (Carson) and the boy on the left (Daniel).
3.Yes, because they are the only two people in this work
4. Who really knows because the boy on the left is kinda of a merger. He's wearing black so he's blending in with the shadow from the plant behind him. 

 1. I sort of used simplicity in this piece, but I didn't do it intentionally 
2. The main subject is the guy in the black shirt holding the egg that looks super weird. 
3. Yeah I think that the subject of the photo is pretty clear, because he's supper close and the camera focused on his hands. 
4. Nope its SSUUUUUPPPER CLEAR what my subject is...

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you used some of the rules of photography in your photos!!! Goood job!!
