Thursday, September 27, 2018

Shutter Speed

⇩Fast Shutter picture⇩
⇩Slow Shutter picture⇩
1A. While the sun was still up I believe that F) The basketball booth whee students were shooting hoops would have had a lot of cool photo opportunities to take pictures in good light and fast shutter pictures. 
1B. When the sun is gone if you were at A) a booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree you would have one of the lights by you and you would sill be able to take cool pictures of the tree against the sky or other stuff. 
2. Three setting that you are able to find on your camera that have something to do with shutter speed are. One you can switch your camera to "Manual" which is when you do all the work to find the way you want it on your own. Another is "Shutter priority", and for this one you get to pick what shutter speed you want and the camera does the aperture for you. The last one is "Aperture Priority" Which lets the Camera do all the work for you by picking the shutter setting by itself. 


1. The part of the camera that we should associate with aperture is the nine or so blades that are in the camera. they block the light, only letting light in inside the center.

2. the smaller the Aperture size or exposer, the higher the Aperture depth field.

3. the smaller the number after the F, like the F2.8 picture, most of the background will be blurred out of the photo.  You achieve the very large depth field you have to make the aperture size very small.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Great B+W p.3

1. I really like how Imogen Cunningham capture the beauty of the flowers. I picked her, because she took pictures of some famous people too. 


I see tall buildings, and lots of cars. I also see lots of windows in the city. 
I smell gas, the sewers, and dirty water puddles from the runoff after rain.
I hear dogs barking, people walking to and from wherever they'll go, laughter from some inside joke from people sitting at a cafe near by.  
I taste the sweet-and-sour air. 
I feel the cities restlessness, my fingertips buzzing with excitement thinking about all the picture opportunities I'll have.

I see the trees and forest around me.
I smell grass, the trees creating the freshest air. 
I hear dripping of water off the grass, and the birds chirping their morning song. 
I taste the springs clean water. 
I feel the calmness wash over me, and i am one with myself in this moment.   

3. I like doing this blog, because I feel most myself when I just type and listen my music while I post the photos I take. Plus, it's way easier to receive feedback on my photos with a simple comment. (good or bad)

First Photoshop

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Photo Manipulation

1. One main point i read in the article is that unless the magazine says they don't use photoshop you should always assume that they are using it. There are certain rules protecting altering images and you can say you didn't alter an image if you really did. 
2. Some such as The Washington Post and New York Times have much stricter guidelines such as: you have to turn in your before and after photo's if you want your photos to be used in the actual article. 
3. I personally think that its okay to alter pictures to a certain point, and I know it has gone too far when the photo is you put them side by side is you can clearly see that someone made their waist drastically smaller or their butt way bigger its too much. but if you want to make your jawline a little more prominent thats okay. If you change the filter thats also fine in my book. 
4. I think that this photo was the most unacceptable because that's totally Oprahs face but that is a completely different person's face. They didn't eve have her permission to do this but they put it out into the world anyway. It is just totally crazy and mind blowing to me that this actually happened, and I'm very aware that this is not the only time that this has happened. That doesn't make it any less crazy.


5. This picture is pretty acceptable to me, because its really no big deal they just added an extra person in there. They just did it to promote a movie. They just wanted to have a good picture of these two people together and this what they had to do so I see it as totally acceptable. No harm really done in this picture. 


Friday, September 14, 2018

Academic Shoot Reflection

Academic Shoot Reflection 

1. I really struggled with getting my friends to stay out of the pictures, and stay focused on their school assignments
2. Sometimes I would have to manually zoom into the photos if I didn't want one person on the edge of the photo in the final product. 
3. I would make sure that people were comfortable with me taking picture by reading their behavior(without asking) and I need to get people not to look at me while I'm trying to take a good picture. 
4. I was pretty good at moving my body to get the shoots I wanted so I will do that again. 
5. The Rule of thirds is definitely the easiest rule to achieve.
6. The balance rule is gonna be hard to capture without thinking too much about the picture instead of just taking it. 
7. The balance rule is the one I struggle with the most, but if I think long enough I'm sure I could understand it. 

I went to Emma's blog and I really liked how clear the picture was. I liked how she really moved her body to get the pictures she wanted. one thing I would improve about the 3rd picture is just take a picture of one person instead, because I'm not certain who the main focus is. 

Academic Shoot

1. In the image above I was trying to use the Rule of thirds I believe I followed this rule very well. The focus of the image is off centered.
2. The focus is the girl in the red jacket with a stripe who is reading a book.
3. Yes, because I used the rule of thirds and her jacket is red so it attracts your attention. 
4.It's very clear in this photo. 

 1. In the photo above i was trying to use the lines rule because there are lots of lines in the photo. I personally beleive that that would not be your first guess, but it kind of shows it.🤷
2. The main focus of this picture is the boy in the blue sweatshirt that says the word "Tommy" as in Tommy Hilfiger.(Blake B.) 
3. I think it is very clear because the boy is the only person in the photo besides the two heads who annoyingly got in the picture.
4. It is very obvious to me what the subject is and I think I showed it very well. 

 1. I also used the rule of thirds in this photo too, BUT I have two subjects in this work. 
2. The TWO subjects in my work are the girl who is on the right (Carson) and the boy on the left (Daniel).
3.Yes, because they are the only two people in this work
4. Who really knows because the boy on the left is kinda of a merger. He's wearing black so he's blending in with the shadow from the plant behind him. 

 1. I sort of used simplicity in this piece, but I didn't do it intentionally 
2. The main subject is the guy in the black shirt holding the egg that looks super weird. 
3. Yeah I think that the subject of the photo is pretty clear, because he's supper close and the camera focused on his hands. 
4. Nope its SSUUUUUPPPER CLEAR what my subject is...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

B&W Part 2

Imogen Cunningham (1883 – 1976) She was a great photographer. She captured the world with her lenses, and had some very successful photos of people. History will always have their faces thanks to her.  She was born in Portland, Oregon in 1883. She studied at the Technische Hochschule in Dresden on a graduate scholarship.

In 1947 Cunningham began to teach photography, although she continued to do so intermittently until 1973. She published a book titled "Imogen Cunningham: Ideas Without End A Life and Photographs"  and a book called "After Ninety". She lived a long life filled with grace. She has lots of amazing works of art to show for her time on this earth.

B&W part 1

Imogen Cunningham
Two Callas

Gordon Parks
Muhammad Ali in Training, Miami, Florida

Carleton Watkins
Cape Horn near Celilo 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

2012 Winners

Trust Fall

1.I think her face is really hilarious, thats why I picked this specific work. 
2.This image shows simplicity, but not entirely. If all you saw was the girl falling you would be slightly freaked out by the picture so the photographer had to show the people down below who are gonna catch her.

Edge of the Word

1.I really love the sunset in this photo, and I think the silhouette is magnificent. 
2.This representation has a great example of balance in between his legs there is a triangle. 


I could take pictures like these by the football fields or on the stairwells or possibly a classroom. 
I could create pictures like this in any 2nd floor classroom, maybe a A hall class.
I will accomplish great pictures such as these by moving my body to get a good angel. 

Pre Academic Shoot

The Story

This picture is the one that really grabbed me, because I can visualize my own scenario. Imagine this, a large class spending one day of fun playing with the large tarp that we used all the time in elementary. Flying in the air looking for the joy that they once had as a little kid. 
Action & Emotion

I really like this picture, because of the pure happiness that you can see spread across her face. They are probably at some field trip to a butterfly center. While the photographer really captured the moment with the angel and her smile. 

Filling the Frame

I really appreciate this photo, because it's so cool how you can see the sparks flying in the darkness. Not to forget the awesome the helmets are with the flaming skull. Even better yet, it's not just one student welding, but 2!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Shoot Reflection

1. One thing that I struggled with during the first prompt shoot was really trying to capture the Bowie aspect of it all. Bowie is such a big and diverse school so I didn't know how to capture it in a picture. 

2. I was very focused on how to make sure the person looking at my photographs would know what I wanted to take the picture of. I want the viewer to know what I'm thinking. What my subject is, and how I did this is I made sure my camera was focused on the thing I wanted it to be on. 

3. I found myself mid-shoot moving my body to get that perfect or solid background, so that I could have the best picture I could possibly take. 

4. I would like to think that every picture I took has shown at least on rule of photography, but I still couldn't tell you what the one that is supposed to be bowie is showing. I could probably fix that, but I like that picture sooo deal with it. 😛😇🤠

5. I would like to shoot the "Happy" prompt again, because there are just so many things that come to my mind when you bring up the word happy. there are just endless things that make different people happy. It also might be that I'm a normally optimistic person and I like happy things. 

6. Even though I like all the prompts we got I was wishing that this week we could do a some prompts like sad, dark, and groggy pictures. The reason I'm putting this out there is, because its rainy this week and I think that would really help with the whole sad vibes.

 I positive commented on the metal picture and the Happy picture. 
 I constructively commented on the Bowie prompted picture.

Prompt Shoot 1



