Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Runner up videos

1. Alyssa Schukar
Mostly stories
They didn't like how she stayed far away from the subject, They said all her pictures were negative and weren't very happy, and there wasn't enough strong singles
They liked how she opened her story about eating disorders, and they liked how one of her pictures was happier.

2. Travis Haughton
Mostly consists of stories
They did like how he focused in when he shouldn't have, or how he put a merger in, and they said it looked set up.
They said he caught a genuine moment for one of them, and they liked the strangeness of one of the photo's.

3. Justin Mott
 Black and white- or in a third world countryThe judges didn't like some components that the photographer incorporated such a small focus, some of the angles that the photographer used in  the portfolio as well as, the photographer fails to shoot quality.
The judges like the attention grabbing component of some of the photos and how sentimental some photos were.

4. Sam Adams
This portfolio is to capture everyday life and a bike story.
 Most of his everyday life pictures were very boring and basically had no point to it. Had an entire persons head in the foreground, had the kids moving around in the first picture story, and had extra people that he didn't need to have in the photo. 
 Had a really good soccer photo that was completely in focus, They said they also liked the moo of the piece

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Car Raid

1. My subject will be Riley Smallwood.
2.I will do this probably next week.
3. Where do you drive the most often?
   How many miles does your car have?
   Are you happy with this car?
   How long have you had this car?
   How did you buy this car?
4. Im hoping that I can get to hear a cool story behind one of the     items in her car?

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Landscape Preview

1. Maybe I could go to instagram to gather some inspiration.
2. Some sort of social Media where people post pictures could be used... 
3. It "simplifies" the scene which isn't always what you want.
4. You can use what i known as a ND grad Filter
5. Take a strong, waterproof plastic bag (a bin-bag is perfect)
6. you might find the viewpoint everyone else wishes they’d shot from
7. The Composition of the photo is more important, because you need to capture the beauty of the whole scene, and not just one subject. 
8. less is more, and you’ll draw attention towards what matters most in your shot.
9. Black and white really brings out the simplicity of the photo, and helps you focus on what matters. 
10. Because if you have fresh eyes you can look at the place you are at in a completely different way. If you went in the daytime maybe go at sunset to get the best shot. Mix it up!

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Merger Photo

1. One thing that I wouldn't do that I can see in the photo is that there is CLEARLY uneven spacing in this photo. I would have to take certain precautions in order for this not to happen. I just believe it looks sloppy. 
2.I would probably take the best pictures at the tennis courts, and you could make it really fun looking easily. 
3.I could sit in a yoga pose in the middle section because it's something creative.
4. Since the tennis courts are green and dark I will wear a bright color that stands out. 

HDR Photo

1. I will have to have a set ISO and a Aperture for this photo, and I will have to manipulate the shutter speed. 
2. You will need a steady tripod in order to achieve the most clear photo as possible. 
3. You might take an HDR photo to get the cool effects that you can create that you can't do with just taking one picture. 
4. You can tell all the small movements that happened in between the pictures, but you probably wouldn't notice how the clouds move. (like my photo) 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lit Mag Shoot

A Bubble For Jose
 The sun shines down on the darkened Earth
 Aquatic Dreams

Final preview

1. I have experience of filming on a camera and doing videos on a phone on certain types of apps, and I have used iMovie before.

2. I think it will be a lot of fun and I think it will be a challenge figuring everything out but I'm ready for it. 

3. I feel like I could do this over vacation of a day for me, or a day of cooking maybe, or a soccer game.

4. I can take images of me doing something or having I could have few moments of my family looking at the camera or posing for the camera.

5. I would have an overlay of what I'm doing during the day and have music in the back. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Thursday, March 14, 2019

SLO Practice

1. c
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. c
Caption Writing: On January 4th, The prime minister of Canada 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Questions OPN WRI

1. You have to wright about something your interested in so you can have a good understanding of the toic you are talking about.
2. I should remember that anything that I care about is considered "fair game" for an essay.
3. The author says that I should use these when I write: You must make connections the reader can relate to,I will have to write an attention grabbing hook, and to describe your emotions and opinion clearly to the reader.


   There is a new Student of the Month at James Bowie High school, and it's none other than Jackson Mendez. He is only in this position for one month, but he had to work really hard to get to where he is right now. He was motivated by the need to impress him mom so she would believe in him. He works at his family's farm, and he has to milk lots of cow's. He also, has to balance his school work and social life.

    When Jackson Mendez found out that he was elected student of the month he was filled with so many positive emotions.

   "I feel delighted and honored to be student of the month" is what Jackson the freshman said.
   Jackson Mendez’s teacher, Mark Zuckerberg, he has to help pick out the student of the month. He expresses his thoughts on Mendez.

    “I never knew his potential, but this year he has really stepped up his grade. I thought he was just a dumb country boy.” Zuckerberg said about Mendez.

During an interview with Mendez he shared how he feels about the whole Student of the Month program.

"It should help the kids to work harder to achieve their goals." Mendez said.

The Principal,Mr. Steve Jobs, addressed why he was ever inspired to create this award to give to the student of James Bowie High school.

“I made this program so that bright students would get a chance to win a trophy like all the athletes at this school. It’s not like any club though, because you earn it all on your own. Without anyone’s help.” Mr. Jobs said.

Jackson Mendez has been involved with sports for some time though, and this adds to his work-load.

"I'm a male cheerleader... I am apart of the harry potter, anime, and gamer clubs" Mendez said, and he further emphasized that he has no free time ever.

His mother, Jessie Mendez had an opinion on her son becoming Student of the Month.

“I never thought my little boy would ever receive a award like this in his whole life, and he really gone n’ done it. He never stops to surprise me.”

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nut Graf

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Student of the Month Story

WHO- Jackson Mendez

WHAT- Student of the Month

WHEN- This Month

WHERE- AT James Bowie High school

WHY- He got here because he worked his butt off and wanted to prove to his mom that he is a good student. 

HOW- He had to milk cows, and do his homework. He had to have good time management to get all the things on the farm done, and his school work.

     There is a new Student of the Month at James Bowie High school, and it's none other than Jackson Mendez. He is only in this position for one month, but he had to work really hard to get to where he is right now. He was motivated by the need to impress him mom so she would believe in him. He works at his family's farm, and he has to milk lots of cow's. He also, has to balance his school work and social life. 

My First Interview

☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ STUDENT OF THE MONTH ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


1. How do you feel?
"I feel delighted and honored to be student of the month"
2. Do you think you deserve to be Student of the Month?
"I'll tell you what partner. I feel like i deserve this position."
3. What have you done to get where you are?
"well uh listen here feller. I uh I milked the cows. I uh. I studied...And I uh I uh I uh did my homework"
4. Do you think you are a good role model for younger kids?
"as good as Obama. And good as Mr. Bulldog
5. Do you think this hurts others who don't get picked and decrease their confidence?
"No they can try better later."
6. Do think this helps students work harder to get student of the month?
*puts up blood signs**and other gang signs* "Yuh. it works."
7. How do you parents feel about this?
"Well you see my dad left me when I was .uh. Five So my mom is very happy."
8. Can you be a student of the month more than once?
"Yes I can. It's light work. You heard me"
9. Do you think some students have gotten this award and not wanted it?
I do think that some kids have, because I'm one of them.
10. Do you think this is a healthy for the students?
Yes very very Healthy.
11. Do you think other school should do this?
"It should help the kids to work harder to achieve their goals." 
12. Do other kids say this award is nerdy, and have you ever been made fun of for being smart?
"Yes 've been bullied my whole life."
13. Are you a athlete at JBHS, and if so what sports do you play?
"I'm a male cheerleader."
14. What is your future career?
"I will be a McDonald's manager."
15. Do you plan on going to college?
yes I hope I make it there IOn know bro."
16. Where do you plan on going after High School?
"i plan to go to college and be a store manager"
17. Are you apart of any clubs or extra sports in school or outside of school?
 "i am apart of the harry potter and anime , and gamer club"
18. What is your favorite class?"
" i really enjoy science "
19. What is your least favorite class?
" i really dislike math "
20. Do you think you earned to be student of the month and why?
"I think i earned student of the month for all the hard work i put in and all the ours i spent   get tutoring and making sure i learned well , it was very hard being off the farm."

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Assignment #2

☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ STUDENT OF THE MONTH ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


1. How do you feel?

2. Do you think you deserve to be Student of the Month?

3. What have you done to get where you are?

4. Do you think you are a good role model for younger kids?

5. Do you think this hurts others who don't get picked and decrease their confidence?

6. Do think this helps students work harder to get student of the month?

7. How do you parents feel about this?

8. Can you be a student of the month more than once?

9. Do you think some students have gotten this award and not wanted it?

10. Do you think this is a healthy for the students?

11. Do you think other school should do this?

12. Do other kids say this award is nerdy, and have you ever been made fun of for being smart?

13. Are you a athlete at JBHS, and if so what sports do you play?

14. What is your future career?

15. Do you plan on going to college?

16. Where do you plan on going after High School?

17. Are you apart of any clubs or extra sports in school or outside of school?

18. What is your favorite class?

19. What is your least favorite class?

20. Do you think you earned to be student of the month and why?

Assignment #1

part 1. I would interview a Teacher so that I could get their opinion. Then I would interview AISD board member, and then I would interview the principal of Bowie.

part 2.

1. Why do you think they are enforcing this policy?
2. Is this going to have a negative or positive effect on campus?
3. How is this event going to affect you?
4. Are you for or against school uniforms?
5. Did anybody ask students how they feel about school uniforms?
6. How did the decision come up? 
7. How many people said no to the uniforms?
8. What are some pro's of this new policy?
9. What are some con's to these new uniforms?
10. What do these uniforms look like?
11. Does everyone have to wear the same uniforms?
12. Can you explain how the verdict was reached at the meeting? 
13. Is the girl uniform sexist?
14. Would you say the uniforms are easier on the boys?
15. Are you sexist?
16. Are you suppressing the students creative freedom?
17. Are you trying to stop students from being themselves?
18. Can girls wear the a "boys" uniform? And vice-versa
19. Do you have kids? If yes, what do they think about school uniforms?
20. Do you feel the same about uniforms now?

Architecture Shoot


Friday, February 22, 2019

Architecture Preview #2

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

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Angles and Shapes

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Eden project, United Kingdom

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Atomium, Belgium

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Angles and Shapes

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Kansas City Public Library, United States

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(I can't find one for patterns)

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Turning Torso, Sweden

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Architecture Preview

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

1. Tom Wright built this structure.
2. This building was builtin 1994.
3. It is located at Jumeirah St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates. 
4. It is a high quality hotel. You can visit it, but you have to pay to stay.
5. This hotel cost $650 million to build. 
6. This building was created so people could have a place to stay that's on the water, and experience the luxury. 
7. I picked this building, because the shape of it looks like half of an orange. I like oranges, and I'm hungry right now. I also think it looks like a dorsal fin of a huge shark. Which I think is super interesting. I would like to stay here too.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. Nicholas Grimshaw was the genius behind the Eden project.
2. This building was built in 1998. 
3. It is located in Bodelva, Par PL24 2SG, UK
4. It is a park that cost money to visit, but it is somewhat affordable. 
5. These structures cost £141m to create. 
6. This is a Park that is dedicated to keeping certain plants from all kinds of different places, and keeps two different biomes sustained in the bubble things. 
7. I picked these structures, because they look like bubbles. I didn't put a picture of the inside, but it looks really cool inside. I would also like to point out that their cause is really good, and makes me want to take a visit.

Atomium, Belgium

1. Jean and AndrĂ© Polak both worked on this piece. 
2. This was built in 1957.
3. It is located at Square de l'Atomium, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium.
4. You have to buy tickets to go and see it. 
5. It cost €26 million to build this structure. 
6. It's purpose was to honor the metals industry as well as celebrate the atomic age. 
7. I choose this building, because it lights up and it looks really cool in the night time. I also think it looks like a atom. Or, it looks like what I think am atom looks like. I like science, and I appreciate the work of art dedicated to this age in science.  

Kansas City Public Library, United States

1. Carrie Westlake Whitney built the Library. 
2. It was built in 1873.
3. It is located at 3050 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64128
4. You can go in whenever they are open, and you only have to pay if your book is overdue.
5.The Kansas City Public Library cost $200,000 to build.
6. The purpose of the library was to provide books and access to knowledge to people. 
7. This building really captured my attention because it looks like the building is made of books. Huge building made of huge books, and that just seems really cool. I don't even really like reading, but just the way they made the buildings look is nice enough for me. 

Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Santiago Calatrava was the architect 
2. The building was built February 14, 2001
3. Located in Malmo Sweden
4. You can visit the turning torso
5. It cost $220 million to build
6. The city was undergoing a whole new renovation
7. I think this building is so interesting, because it almost looks like someone took a perfectly average looking skyscraper. Then they just twisted it. It gives me a vibe like the jack and the beanstalk story. Maybe, you could climb the building and meet a giant.