Thursday, December 20, 2018

Extra Credit For Final

1. The man who was killed was named Ki Suk Han, and he was trying to calm someone who was panicking. The man who Ki Suk Han was trying to calm down pushed him into the tracks. Ki Suk Han was not able to get out by himself. The photographer claims that he tried to help him get out, but was not strong enough. Since he is a freelance photographer for the New York Post. His story is that he busted out his camera so that he could try, and get the conductors attention with the flash of his camera. He claims that the train just couldn't stop fast enough. 
2. He Says that he was desperately trying to get the conductor to stop with his flash, and running around to cause him to stop. 
3. If he was doing it for the right reasons then it's better, but that doesn't change how messed up it is. 
4. I believe that if he is being honest, and actually was taking pictures with the flash for the right reasons. Then I think it was more appropriate. It's certainly better than imagining a man trying to escape death and being photographed as he was dying.
5. I don't think those photos should have ever been seen by the public. They definitely should not have been the cover, because its just morally wrong. They should have never even put it in the magazine. 
6. The sad truth is that people will do almost anything for a story, so its probably more important to get the photo to  a photojournalist. 
7. I believe as photographer he should have kept his name out of it, and totally separated himself from the situation. That doesn't mean he shouldn't have helped still, but he should have not taken the pictures. 
8. If he could have helped that poor man in the tracks, just as a normal person, he should have done the most to his capability. Then again he should have kept his lenses put away!
9. The other photographers did not believe him one bit it seems. Which shocks me, because those are like his people in a way. They still don't believe that the did his best, and they are surprised of his actions. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

4 Websites

My Favorite Picture
I looked at the oldest things on this planet, which mostly consists of nature things. By nature things I mean trees, forests, and rocks. It also includes information about the author, and her decade long adventure to photograph these amazing relics.

1. I picked this photo because I really love how the branches seem to be reaching out at me. 
2. I believe they could have used Cropping to not distract away from the center of the thick tree.
3. Rachel Sussman took these pictures. 

My Favorite Picture

This website mostly consists of pictures of staircases, and how their spiral beauty is portrayed by the photographer. The different ways the stairs are shaped is particularly interesting, because I feel like the less square stairs are more elegant. 

1. I choose this picture because the yellow and off white colors look really vintage.
2. I would say that this staircase picture follows the rules of Depth in a way, because the stairs get smaller as they get farther away.
3. Christian Richter took these photos of the stairs. 

My favorite picture(from the timelapse)

The link just shows you the amazing timelapse from Rio De Janeiro 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Cover Types

Image based covers are the most basic approach to a cover

Favorite Cover

Best Cover Winner
"The World's 50 Greatest Living Athletes," November 2017
Fred Woodward, Designer
Pari Dukovic, Photographer
"When the World's Greatest Living Athlete is also an off-the-court phenom in business, in movies, and increasingly in politics, the time allotted for a photo shoot is limited (it was 45-minutes from the frame to the last). But photographer Pari Dukovic nevertheless captured LeBron James in a timeless, almost deified image that shows the strength, fierceness, and regal nature of GQ’s November cover subject. One worthy of blowing up and framing like a piece of art (which we did)."
If I had to critique this picture I would say that, even though the intention of this picture is to show that he is the king, he could have smiled. I feel like the picture needs to be less dark and needs to have more colors than just grey, white, and gold. He is furrowing his brows, and it gave him forehead wrinkles. They could have made his tattoos merge into the words, because that also looks slightly odd. They could have put a different person entirely in the cover too, but they choose LeBron because he's the most popular. That isn't necessarily true though, because Curry is just as if not more popular than LeBron. 

Best Covers

1. Informal 
2. Formal
3. Informal
4. Formal
5. Formal
6. Formal

1. Formal
2. Enviormental
3. Enviormental
4. Formal
5. Formal

1. Formal
2. Enviormental
3. Formal 
4. Informal
5. Enviormental
6. Formal

1. Formal
2. Formal
3. Informal
4. Formal
5. Informal

Readers Choice:
1. Formal
2. Formal
3. Enviormental
4. Enviormental
5. Informal

Magazine Tips

I need to be thinking about pulling peoples focus to my cover by making them curious.I also need to make it easy to read at a glance. Without leaving out the juicy important details that will pull people to pickup the cover.I need to make people think that they need the magazine for some reason. I have to make people want to take my cover by pulling at their heart strings somehow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mural Project Preveiw

1. Some ideas of things we could shoot around Austin could be lines, and We could take pictures of things that include lots of lines. We could also Shoot about Flowers and sort them all by Colors. Another idea that could be cool is nightlife in Austin, and we could go around in the night and shoot the moon, the skyline at night, the lights all around this city would be the main focus. 
2. I would be using a school camera. You have to think about Aperture, Shutter Speed, and our ISO when shooting in Manual. 
3. We could create a profile on instagram thats dedicated to the pictures we take for this project. We could create a blog specifically for this project and this group. We could 

My Self Portrait Plan

I plan to shoot a few of my friends for my self portrait project, and their names are Emilia, Ava, Laura, and maybe myself if all else fails. I plan to change the setting of my photos to see which one is the best, but a few ideas I had were...   
  • My room
  • The forest
  • A playground
  • The park 
  • South Congress 
If I can't do any of those I'll come up with something else. Some things I will do to make the shot successful is adjust the camera to the proper Manual settings, and I want to try to play with the focus of the picture so that I can get the most out of my photos. 

Casual Portraits I Like

One thing I like about this picture is the jacket, and how the colors pop in the background.
In this photo I love the how the dress in all around her, and how she's laughing with a big smile. 

Self Portraits I Like

 In the photo above I appreciate how the photographer went at an angle and got the light to hit her so that her cheek bones could really stand out. 
I love the flowers in her hair and how the color pops against her red hair. 

Environment Portraits I Like

 I really love hoe the sun is coming over the landscape and the shadows of the grass are very nice. 
I really like how the background is out of focus and the woman looks serious so it's more artistic. 

Self Portraits Preveiw

Take Unfocused Shots

As photographers we have ‘sharp focus’ drummed into us as an ultimate objective to achieve in our work – but sometimes lack of focus can create shots with real emotion, mood and interest.
There are two main strategies for taking unfocused images that work:
1. Focus upon one element of the image and leave your main subject blurred. To do this use a large aperture which will create a narrow depth of field and focus upon something in front of or behind your subject.
Introduce a Prop
Add a prop of some kind into your shots and you create another point of interest that can enhance your shot.
Yes you might run the risk of taking too much focus away from your main subject but you could also really add a sense of story and place to the image that takes it in a new direction and gives the person you’re photographing an extra layer of depth that they wouldn’t have had without the prop.

Experiment with Lighting

Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.
Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


1. They changed her... neck, cheek bones, eye size, hair position, shadows, eye color, lip shape, nose length 
2. They changed her... neck, thighs, eye size, nose, placement of the eyes and eyebrows on face, skin color, hair color, feet 
3. They changed everything about the pizza and painted a woman out of it. 
4. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. You can eat rat poison, but maybe you shouldn't. We shouldn't photoshop as heavy as we do, but we do because people buy what looks good.
5. I feel like it would be even more messed up if they did this to a baby which i know happens, but it's still messed up.
6. If it's just one or two things you change that is more okay, but people just need to be themselves. 
7. One major difference is in fashion you do what you do to make people look what society calls "pretty", but in photojournalism you do what you do to make the picture brighter and better. In photojournalism you don't change the way people appear, because you want the facts. Your not trying to get people to look better your just showing them.
8. Something all photo's have in common is that they all try to get some point across to the person viewing the photo.
9. we do this so we can know why we only you some photoshop, and so that we don't alter our photos to show something that isn't real. 
10. Boys have it pretty hard too, but mostly they're expected to have toned muscles(abs, arms, butts, and pecs). We all have to deal with the media telling us that we aren't good enough constantly, but I feel more is expected of women than men. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Funny Oldies

Janice wore her "I HATE EVERYONE" shirt today, and she thinks it's funny. Yesterday her husband (Gerald) forgot their anniversary, so she takes her anger out on everyone. 

 Linda lights up her cigarette with the family to celebrate her 100th birthday. She thought yesterday was her birthday. 100 is the perfect age for lung cancer. 
Elizabeth (left) and Chester (right) hit up the racing track. Its been 60 years since they raced... Or so they say. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Composition 2

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding

Photo shoot #2


Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Oscars Selfie

1. I really love this picture, because it marks such a happy moment to me. People getting their awards, and all the wide smiles. Makes you almost think celebrities are people too. 😹
2. This photo was taken to show all of the famous actors are buddies, and they take selfies like normal people(blurry, Happy, and overall cringe photos). 
3. Something I didn't know about this photo was that it's actually a subtle celebrity endorsement for Samsung. 

Alfred Eisenstaedt

1. The reason I choose this photo is, because I know where this photo came from. It makes me really happy that after the long hard war they got to come home to their loves, and spend their time being happy. 
2. This photo was taken around the time the WW2 had ended, and all the soldiers had just come home to New York. The energy in Time Square was so vibrant and beautiful. So naturally this photographer had to get one good picture, but he didn't know that it would be so ionic. 
3. I found out that this photo was not planned at all. This photographer just happened to be at the right place at the right time. 
4. I picked this picture, because is made me feel at peace. Ican imagine myself standing right there, and I wish I could be there.
5.Alfred Eisenstaedt was born on December 6, 1898 in Dirschau, Poland. Sadly, passed away in 1995, but lived to have a Amazing career where he met so many incredible people who shaped our countries culture. He went to Humboldt University of Berlin, that is where he studied photography. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Shutter Speed

⇩Fast Shutter picture⇩
⇩Slow Shutter picture⇩
1A. While the sun was still up I believe that F) The basketball booth whee students were shooting hoops would have had a lot of cool photo opportunities to take pictures in good light and fast shutter pictures. 
1B. When the sun is gone if you were at A) a booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree you would have one of the lights by you and you would sill be able to take cool pictures of the tree against the sky or other stuff. 
2. Three setting that you are able to find on your camera that have something to do with shutter speed are. One you can switch your camera to "Manual" which is when you do all the work to find the way you want it on your own. Another is "Shutter priority", and for this one you get to pick what shutter speed you want and the camera does the aperture for you. The last one is "Aperture Priority" Which lets the Camera do all the work for you by picking the shutter setting by itself. 


1. The part of the camera that we should associate with aperture is the nine or so blades that are in the camera. they block the light, only letting light in inside the center.

2. the smaller the Aperture size or exposer, the higher the Aperture depth field.

3. the smaller the number after the F, like the F2.8 picture, most of the background will be blurred out of the photo.  You achieve the very large depth field you have to make the aperture size very small.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Great B+W p.3

1. I really like how Imogen Cunningham capture the beauty of the flowers. I picked her, because she took pictures of some famous people too. 


I see tall buildings, and lots of cars. I also see lots of windows in the city. 
I smell gas, the sewers, and dirty water puddles from the runoff after rain.
I hear dogs barking, people walking to and from wherever they'll go, laughter from some inside joke from people sitting at a cafe near by.  
I taste the sweet-and-sour air. 
I feel the cities restlessness, my fingertips buzzing with excitement thinking about all the picture opportunities I'll have.

I see the trees and forest around me.
I smell grass, the trees creating the freshest air. 
I hear dripping of water off the grass, and the birds chirping their morning song. 
I taste the springs clean water. 
I feel the calmness wash over me, and i am one with myself in this moment.   

3. I like doing this blog, because I feel most myself when I just type and listen my music while I post the photos I take. Plus, it's way easier to receive feedback on my photos with a simple comment. (good or bad)

First Photoshop

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Photo Manipulation

1. One main point i read in the article is that unless the magazine says they don't use photoshop you should always assume that they are using it. There are certain rules protecting altering images and you can say you didn't alter an image if you really did. 
2. Some such as The Washington Post and New York Times have much stricter guidelines such as: you have to turn in your before and after photo's if you want your photos to be used in the actual article. 
3. I personally think that its okay to alter pictures to a certain point, and I know it has gone too far when the photo is you put them side by side is you can clearly see that someone made their waist drastically smaller or their butt way bigger its too much. but if you want to make your jawline a little more prominent thats okay. If you change the filter thats also fine in my book. 
4. I think that this photo was the most unacceptable because that's totally Oprahs face but that is a completely different person's face. They didn't eve have her permission to do this but they put it out into the world anyway. It is just totally crazy and mind blowing to me that this actually happened, and I'm very aware that this is not the only time that this has happened. That doesn't make it any less crazy.


5. This picture is pretty acceptable to me, because its really no big deal they just added an extra person in there. They just did it to promote a movie. They just wanted to have a good picture of these two people together and this what they had to do so I see it as totally acceptable. No harm really done in this picture. 
