Thursday, February 28, 2019

Assignment #2

☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ STUDENT OF THE MONTH ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


1. How do you feel?

2. Do you think you deserve to be Student of the Month?

3. What have you done to get where you are?

4. Do you think you are a good role model for younger kids?

5. Do you think this hurts others who don't get picked and decrease their confidence?

6. Do think this helps students work harder to get student of the month?

7. How do you parents feel about this?

8. Can you be a student of the month more than once?

9. Do you think some students have gotten this award and not wanted it?

10. Do you think this is a healthy for the students?

11. Do you think other school should do this?

12. Do other kids say this award is nerdy, and have you ever been made fun of for being smart?

13. Are you a athlete at JBHS, and if so what sports do you play?

14. What is your future career?

15. Do you plan on going to college?

16. Where do you plan on going after High School?

17. Are you apart of any clubs or extra sports in school or outside of school?

18. What is your favorite class?

19. What is your least favorite class?

20. Do you think you earned to be student of the month and why?

Assignment #1

part 1. I would interview a Teacher so that I could get their opinion. Then I would interview AISD board member, and then I would interview the principal of Bowie.

part 2.

1. Why do you think they are enforcing this policy?
2. Is this going to have a negative or positive effect on campus?
3. How is this event going to affect you?
4. Are you for or against school uniforms?
5. Did anybody ask students how they feel about school uniforms?
6. How did the decision come up? 
7. How many people said no to the uniforms?
8. What are some pro's of this new policy?
9. What are some con's to these new uniforms?
10. What do these uniforms look like?
11. Does everyone have to wear the same uniforms?
12. Can you explain how the verdict was reached at the meeting? 
13. Is the girl uniform sexist?
14. Would you say the uniforms are easier on the boys?
15. Are you sexist?
16. Are you suppressing the students creative freedom?
17. Are you trying to stop students from being themselves?
18. Can girls wear the a "boys" uniform? And vice-versa
19. Do you have kids? If yes, what do they think about school uniforms?
20. Do you feel the same about uniforms now?

Architecture Shoot


Friday, February 22, 2019

Architecture Preview #2

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

Image result for Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

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Image result for Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE
Angles and Shapes

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Eden project, United Kingdom

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Image result for Eden project, United Kingdom closePatterns

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Image result for Eden project, United KingdomSurroundings

Atomium, Belgium

Image result for Atomium, BelgiumDetails

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Image result for Atomium, Belgium
Angles and Shapes

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Kansas City Public Library, United States

Image result for Kansas City Public Library, United StatesDetails

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(I can't find one for patterns)

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Image result for Kansas City Public Library, United StatesSurroundings

Turning Torso, Sweden

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Image result for Turning Torso, Sweden
Angles and Shapes

Image result for Turning Torso, SwedenSurroundings

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Architecture Preview

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

1. Tom Wright built this structure.
2. This building was builtin 1994.
3. It is located at Jumeirah St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates. 
4. It is a high quality hotel. You can visit it, but you have to pay to stay.
5. This hotel cost $650 million to build. 
6. This building was created so people could have a place to stay that's on the water, and experience the luxury. 
7. I picked this building, because the shape of it looks like half of an orange. I like oranges, and I'm hungry right now. I also think it looks like a dorsal fin of a huge shark. Which I think is super interesting. I would like to stay here too.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. Nicholas Grimshaw was the genius behind the Eden project.
2. This building was built in 1998. 
3. It is located in Bodelva, Par PL24 2SG, UK
4. It is a park that cost money to visit, but it is somewhat affordable. 
5. These structures cost £141m to create. 
6. This is a Park that is dedicated to keeping certain plants from all kinds of different places, and keeps two different biomes sustained in the bubble things. 
7. I picked these structures, because they look like bubbles. I didn't put a picture of the inside, but it looks really cool inside. I would also like to point out that their cause is really good, and makes me want to take a visit.

Atomium, Belgium

1. Jean and AndrĂ© Polak both worked on this piece. 
2. This was built in 1957.
3. It is located at Square de l'Atomium, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium.
4. You have to buy tickets to go and see it. 
5. It cost €26 million to build this structure. 
6. It's purpose was to honor the metals industry as well as celebrate the atomic age. 
7. I choose this building, because it lights up and it looks really cool in the night time. I also think it looks like a atom. Or, it looks like what I think am atom looks like. I like science, and I appreciate the work of art dedicated to this age in science.  

Kansas City Public Library, United States

1. Carrie Westlake Whitney built the Library. 
2. It was built in 1873.
3. It is located at 3050 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64128
4. You can go in whenever they are open, and you only have to pay if your book is overdue.
5.The Kansas City Public Library cost $200,000 to build.
6. The purpose of the library was to provide books and access to knowledge to people. 
7. This building really captured my attention because it looks like the building is made of books. Huge building made of huge books, and that just seems really cool. I don't even really like reading, but just the way they made the buildings look is nice enough for me. 

Turning Torso, Sweden

1. Santiago Calatrava was the architect 
2. The building was built February 14, 2001
3. Located in Malmo Sweden
4. You can visit the turning torso
5. It cost $220 million to build
6. The city was undergoing a whole new renovation
7. I think this building is so interesting, because it almost looks like someone took a perfectly average looking skyscraper. Then they just twisted it. It gives me a vibe like the jack and the beanstalk story. Maybe, you could climb the building and meet a giant. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019