Tuesday, January 29, 2019

In my hands
 So It Begins...

Phobia Shoot

Pediophobia is the fear of dolls.

Sciaphobia is the fear of shadows.

Nyctohylophobia is the fear of dark wooded areas.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Self Portrait v.s. Selfie

What is a selfie?

    A selfie is normally a picture somebody takes of themselves, and it is usually with a phone. However, that does not mean that it cant be taken with a camera. many styles of selfies exist. You can take just a normal front facing camera selfie with your phone. You could get a more professional camera, like one of the ones we use in class, and take a picture in the mirror. You could also get a selfie stick and take one from farther away with your phone. 

What is a self portrait?
    A self portrait is when an artist produces an image of themselves. This can be done with many ways, but the most relevant is when someone takes a photo of themselves. There is almost always an idea behind a self portrait. Which is normally supposed provoke some sort of feeling in the viewer. 

So? What's the difference?
    When I said earlier that self portraits are supposed to make you feel something. What I really meant is something deeper than "Wow, she's pretty." or "Wow, he's cute." I would also argue that self portraits are really more valuable and meaningful than selfies. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Phobia Project

1. phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that describes an excessive and irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation.

2. Pediophobia is the fear of dolls.
Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea.
Equinophobia is the fear of horses.
Ophthalmophobia is the fear of being stared at.
Sciaphobia is the fear of shadows.

3. For the fear of shadows, also known as Sciaphobia, I would do a tall big figure standing in the light of a doorway. Which I would be the tall figure. I would make my brother sit in the corner while curled up in a ball(acting scared). My shadow would cast across him. This would be in the small hallway in my house that is right outside of my moms room.

for the fear of dolls, also known as Pediophobia, I would use my old raggedy Anne doll. I would place it at the end of the hallway in my house and have it sitting upright. Behind it is nothing but a blank wall. Or, I could have it sit with it's head peeking out of the door, but only enough so you would know its a doll. 

For the fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night, also known as Nyctohylophobia, I would go to the woods in my friends back yard and make her creepily stand behind a tree at night. 

4. For the first shoot with the shadows the lighting wil have to be just perfect for this photo.

For the second shoot about dolls The way that I position the doll will be crucial to how the photo turns out.

For the third shoot I'm gonna use the rule of thirds to place my friend in just the right spot. I also will use flash to help since it'll be kinda dark.